How To Adjust Image Tone – C# Guide
This guide shows how to apply image tone corrections for flat, dark and light images. The purpose of it is to adjust brightness and contrast.
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This guide shows how to apply image tone corrections for flat, dark and light images. The purpose of it is to adjust brightness and contrast.
Color slicing is a color image processing technique, which only shows colors in a certain color space making objects stand out.
False color or pseudocolor image processing coupled with intensity slicing is useful for emphasizing shapes that might be hidden to our eyes.
This guide shows how to convert RGB to HSI image data and also how to convert it back from HSI to RGB to make it displayable on screen.
Adaptive median filter is much more effective at removing impulse noise, also known as salt and pepper noise, than traditional median filter.
Adaptive local noise reduction filters are useful for processing images that have too much noise to deal with with other simpler filters.
Alpha trimmed mean filter is a combination of mean filters and order-statistic filters. This guide shows how to use them with C#.
Midpoint filter is a order-statistic filter and we use it to process image data in spatial domain. This guide shows how to make it with C#.
Max and min filter is one of the order-statistic filter we can use to process image data in spatial domain. This tutorial shows it with C#.
Median filter is one of the order-statistic filters for processing image data in spatial domain. This guide shows how to apply it with C#.