How To Make Automatic Algorithm For Filling Holes With C#
Automatic algorithm for filling holes is a sequence of morphological operations in reconstruction branch, which fills all holes in the image.
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Automatic algorithm for filling holes is a sequence of morphological operations in reconstruction branch, which fills all holes in the image.
Opening by reconstruction is a morphological operation in image processing for removing small objects and recovering shape accurately after.
Geodesic dilation and erosion are fundamental morphological reconstruction algorithms which yield the same result if left to converge.
Pruning in image processing is a morphological operation for removing spurs. It serves mainly as a post processing technique for cleaning up.
Skeletonization is a morphological process in image processing, which extracts the center lines of all shapes, which look like their skeleton
Thickening is a morphological operation in image processing, which adds foreground or white pixels to objects in order to thicken them.
Thinning is a morphological operation in image processing, which eats away at the foregorund pixels and leaves only lines shaping objects.
Convex hull in image processing is a morphological operation, where we encapsulate a shape or and object in an image into a convex shape.
Hit or miss transform is a morphological process for shape detection. We need to use two different structuring elements to find the shapes.
Extraction of connected components in image processing is a morphological process, where we isolate object to a separate image.